Instructional Programs
Englewood Cliffs Recreation offers a wide variety of instructional programs for all ages and seasonally themed special events. We offer youth sports programs such as Soccer, Girls Softball, and Basketball. We also hold seasonal sports clinics for grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade and adult recreational activities such as Yoga and Aerobics. In addition, we offer a fully licensed, well structured six week summer camp that is filled with fun activities.
Get involved in all of our programs, whether youth sports or adult activities, or just relax in the park. Englewood Cliffs Recreation has something for you.
Registration Forms
Please check back at a later date for upcoming events.
Recreation Director

Englewood Cliffs
482 Hudson Terrace
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Phone: (201) 569-5252
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 4:00PM
(Except Holidays)
Recreation Facilities
Engelwood Cliffs Community Center
488 Hudson Terrace
North Cliff School
700 Floyd Street
Upper School
143 Charlotte Place
Veterans and Fallen Heroes Park
62 W. Bayview Avenue
Witte Field
349 Johnson Avenue
7th Annual Englewood Cliffs 5K Run
Tennis & General Events
Resident Tennis Registration
General Events Request Form

The EC Recreation Department is in constant need of coaches and volunteers for our programs. All coaches/volunteers are required to submit a Coaches/Volunteer Application and a background check.
Please consider volunteering in any of our programs. To find out more please contact recreation director at