Shade Tree Commission

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About Shade Tree

What is a Shade Tree?

  • Any deciduous tree within the borough Right-of-way
  • Deciduous-a tree which loses its leaves every fall
  • Borough Right-of-way usually 10 feet from the curb

Reasons Why You Should Plant Trees

  • They are good for us!
  • Trees store carbon and clean the atmosphere. In 50 years, one tree generates $30,000 in oxygen, recycles $35,000 of water and removes $ 60,000 of air pollution.
  • Tree shade reduces air conditioning costs in residential and commercial buildings by 15-50 percent, thereby reducing the need for generation of more electricity.
  • Properly placed and cared for trees and shrubs significantly increase residential and commercial property values.
  • Trees connect us with nature and reinforce spiritual and cultural values.
  • Trees prevent soil erosion and decrease water runoff
  • Trees provide homes for animals
  • Trees add beauty and grace to a community setting. They make life more enjoyable, peaceful and relaxing.

*If you are interested in having a Shade Tree planted in your Right-of-Way, please make your request by sending a letter to the Shade Tree Commission with your name, address, and phone number.

Tree Care
Tree Regulations
If a Tree Falls

Board Members


Rebecca Biegacz


Katie Park


Maria Villari


Kinga Zamecki

Alternate Member

Gail Ehrenberg

Important Information About the Emerald Ash Borer for Owners of Ash Trees

The emerald ash borer is an insect which kills ash trees and white fringe trees.  This pest has already killed millions of ash trees.  It is expected to kill hundreds of millions more as it spreads through North America.

The emerald ash borer was found in Bergen County in 2015.  It is only a matter of time before it reaches Englewood Cliffs.

  • The emerald ash borer infests the top of tree first.
  • Death of the top of the tree is usually the first visible sign that an ash tree is infested.
  • Affected ash trees die within three to four years of infestation.

Property owners should identify all ash trees and white fringe trees on their property so they can monitor those trees for signs of emerald ash borer infestation.  Fall is an excellent time to identify ash trees because ash trees’ distinctive seeds appear in the fall before the leaves turn. 

  • The branches of ash trees are directly opposite on another.
  • Each leaf of an ash tree has five to 11 leaflets.
  • Mature ash trees have diamond shaped bark.
  • Ash trees have oar shaped seeds which appear in the fall.

Additional information on identifying ash trees and photographs of ash trees’ features are available on many websites.  The following websites have excellent pictures of ash trees’ branch structure, leaves, and seeds.  Use your cell phone to compare your trees to the websites’ pictures of ash trees’ features.

Information on identifying white fringe trees is available on Virginia Polytechnic Institute’s website,

Cutting down ash trees, either proactively or once infestation has occurred, is one option.  Insecticide treatments also are available.  Property owners interested in insecticide treatment options should be aware that treatment must repeated periodically in order to remain effective.

Additional information about the emerald ash borer, including insecticide treatments, is available on the New Jersey Department of Agriculture’s website,

Contact Information

482 Hudson Terrace
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Phone: (201) 569-5252

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00AM to 4:00PM

(Except Holidays)